Hiring great employees: publicizing

Employment background checks

After defining the type of professional you are looking for, the next task is to advertise the available position. Reaching the right audience at this time is essential. To do this, use the resources available to bring the opportunity to the right places. There are several tools on the Internet that can be used in this task, such as boosting and choosing audiences in social networks, curriculum databases, Employment background checks among others.

At the time of creating the advertisement, carefully describe the job description, detail the responsibilities and criteria that the person must have, as well as the skills, experience and education required. That way you can exclude those who don’t fit and pre-screen candidates to reduce HR work when it comes to reviewing each resume you receive, and you can reach the right people who might become essential to your business.

Employment background checks

Take different steps to hire

Most of the time, because they need someone to fill the vacant position and don’t want to waste time, architectural firms do the hiring too quickly and don’t check all the issues needed to make the best choice, which can result in wrong hiring. In addition, time and money are spent unnecessarily as a new selection will need to be made.

Therefore, you need to divide the selection process into steps to be able to analyze each important candidate point and take as much time as necessary to identify the one that best meets all the requirements of the architectural firm.

Be clear and objective in the interview

At the time of the interview, no informality is required. Search the candidate’s background and resume having the questions you are ready to ask. Ask the professional how their skills can meet the expectations of their architectural firm and how their experience can contribute to the development of the position in question. Make a good assessment before hiring an employee.

Remember that the candidate is also evaluating you to see if they really want to work in your architecture office, so be polite, show professionalism and explain a little about the history of your architecture office and your proposal to make them feel attracted to being part of your team. After the interview, make a good assessment before hiring the employee.

Train and accompany the novice in the trial period

After selecting who will fill the position, you need to keep in mind that hiring doesn’t end there. Your architectural office should integrate the new employee into the team and prepare them to better develop their activities. How about an exercise in collective creativity to motivate the team while still working on employee integration?

In order for it to adapt to the probationary period and to be effective in the function, it is important to offer the necessary training and to closely monitor its evolution. Only then will it be possible to know for sure if he was the ideal candidate.

Small offices, as well as large ones, must be very careful in this process to avoid future problems and financial losses. Proper first-time hiring prevents rework and prevents business productivity from being disrupted. Because they lack the resources and professionals to analyze each candidate in detail, micro-entrepreneurs should use these timely tips to get it right.