Social Media and the Impact of Likes

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When you buy likes on Facebook, most of the time, specialized platforms offer the purchase of likes through international networks of fake accounts. However, Facebook regularly deletes hundreds of thousands of fake accounts. In 2019, in just 9 months, Facebook deleted no less than 5.4 billion fake accounts. Thus, according to Facebook updates and massive deletions of fake accounts, it is highly likely that a more or less significant part of the likes purchased at an instant T will disappear over time. Now that you can Social Shares you can find the best choices there.

A Risk for the Brand Image

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If certain internet users or specialized journalists audit in detail the acquisition curves of likes, the geographic origin of likes and the share of false accounts in the subscribers of a brand page, the results of these analyzes could, if they were relayed on social networks and massively taken up, risk discrediting the brand which will have resorted to this type of practices.

To avoid any bad buzz, it is therefore much more prudent to work more on your editorial line and its content in order to obtain real likes which will follow the page in time and will become, for some, true brand ambassadors.

Do You Still Want To Buy Fans And Followers? Here Is A Lead.

Although we do not recommend that you use the purchase of likes for your pages or those of your customers, if you still want to test this practice, you can use specialized online platforms. This platform allows among other things to buy real likes on Facebook.

If we tell you about this site, it is because it differs from the others with a specific approach: it asks page administrators for advertiser rights in order to be able to manage sponsored campaigns for buying likes. The likes generated are therefore very real and in accordance with Facebook rules, however, they will not be targeted and may, therefore, come from any country.

The Purchase of Likes in Conclusion

Although the purchase of likes and fans appears in some cases as a tempting practice, it remains no less controversial and above all disadvantageous in most cases in the long term. To grow your community, if there is no magic bullet, putting in place a comprehensive social media strategy and starting to share quality content at regular intervals will help you reach your goal in the long term.

Today, social networks play a key role in the way we communicate. Used well, they help develop your reputation, credibility and secure opportunities. Bloggers know this: many partnership proposals come directly from your number of subscribers.

However, gaining followers or fans is a long-term process, where you are dependent on the algorithm of each social network, which decides the visibility of your publications. On Instagram for example, a study evoked an average natural engagement at 0.9%. There is a great temptation to want to speed things up… and it is in this context that the purchase of fans and the purchase of likes has developed.

Let’s be clear, the practice is controversial for a thousand reasons: it plays with the rules of social networks which prohibit artificial engagement, it cheats with the tacit “rules of the game” in force on Instagram and other platforms, it also highlights all the limits of the notion of influence when it is based solely on a number of subscribers.